Delivery & Payment
We can ship to any address in the world because our shipping method is email. When you purchase your product(s), You will receive an order confirmation email. You will then receive the necessary product/licensing key, download link and instructions attached in your email in 5 minutes to 8 hours. Please ensure that the email address on your account is accurate.

One of our priority is safe and secure shopping online, that is why we use only world leading payment solution providers as our trusted partners. They are not only known for their SSL grade level secure portals but also for the ease with which one can carry out a transaction on their respective platforms.

The best thing about the whole setup is if you face any issues with the order, you can reach out to us and we will resolve it for you, but if you still aren’t happy with the resolution provided, one can make use of the buyer protection program and ask the payment gateway partner to intervene and help you resolve the issue at hand.

We accept these payment options:

Please place your order directly on the website, using the shopping cart checkout page with payment methods such as credit cards and PayPal.

Contact us
If you have any questions about the Delivery & Payment Policy, please contact us using the contact information we provide on our Contact page.

Email: in your application